
Welcome toWest Byfleet Infant SchoolWe Belong, Inspire, Succeed


Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Information


Updated 13.3.2020


In light of Government advice regarding the Coronavirus, to decrease social interactions (known as Social Distancing) we are doing things differently: 


To reduce the chances of exposure:

  • Parents/carers are to leave and collect at the door to avoid transmission of any virus
  • Parents/Carers can come into our reception area to drop off late children, but may not enter the school via the inner double doors
  • Parents/Carers where possible are to phone the office rather than visit in person, if you urgently need to visit, please do not stay longer than 10 minutes.
  • Volunteering and parent workshops will cease until further notice, with the exception of trips as they are taking place out of the school building.


To reduce the chances of cross contamination:

  • Children will be sitting in classes for assembly with a distance between each class
  • Classrooms will be ventilated 3 times a day to allow clean fresh air into the learning/working spaces
  • No playdough will be made or used until further notice


Our breakfast and afterschool provision will continue as normal. On drop off and pick up for these sessions, please do not stay on site for longer than necessary.


Handwashing is crucial to prevent spread of the virus. Please encourage your child to (and ensure that you) sing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice whilst they wash their hands – this is about the time required to properly wash hands. See the NHS website for guidance at

What should you do if you feel unwell?

If you have flu like symptoms, persistent new continuous dry cough and/or a temperature above 37.8 please keep away from others and stay at home for 7 days to stop the infection spreading. If a child in school is presenting with a fever of 37.8 or above you will need to make arrangements to collect them immediately. Avoid public transport if you think you have symptoms of coronavirus.

If an adult thinks they or their child has any symptoms of Coronavirus, they should call NHS 111 for advice. Follow the UK Government advice for childcare or


Parents can visit to find out more information.
