At West Byfleet Infant School we use Cornerstone Curriculum 22 to deliver our Art and Design curriculum. The Art and Design projects are well sequenced to provide a coherent subject scheme that develops children’s skills and knowledge of visual elements, art forms, artists and art movements.
In all year groups, teachers plan art and design using the Cornerstones mini-project to support planning, sequencing and resourcing of our curriculum.. The mini-projects begin by covering the National Curriculum statements and aims to ensure a broad, balanced and cohesive curriculum. Teachers use the WBIS progression of knowledge and skills to ensure that the teaching of art is design is progressive across year groups and builds upon prior learning.
Children have the opportunity to explore a range of artistic materials and techniques, selecting the best materials and techniques to develop an idea. Children explore malleable materials, paper, fabric, paint, printing, pencil, ink, charcoal, pen as well as natural materials. They use the properties of different materials to create a range patterns, textures and lines, and explore shape, form and space. Children use drawing, painting and sculpture to explore the human form.
They will be inspired by nature, creating natural art, and will also have the opportunity to draw and paint landscapes. Pupils will develop their technical skills in art by making their own creations and are given time to practise new skills. Pupils are guided by teachers but have the freedom to be creative, developing their own ideas, and create their own unique works of art.
Children are taught to analyse and evaluate the work of famous artists as well as their own and others' work using artistic vocabulary. They are able to compare and contrast works of art.
Children explore significant people, artwork and movements and learn how art and design is relatable and links with historical events and with science and geography in the wider world. Exposure to a variety of artists mean that children grow to appreciate that we are all different, but all unique, and have all got something to offer to the wider community. Knowledge Organisers are being used to support the teaching of knowledge in art so that children ‘know more and remember more’ .
Children at WBIS also have the opportunity to be involved in art projects within the local community such as St John’s Church. Children in Year 2 have also participated in live online art classes called ‘Brush Party’. Children also have the opportunity to take part in an after school art club to further develop their artistic skills and love of art and design.