
Welcome toWest Byfleet Infant SchoolWe Belong, Inspire, Succeed


School Development Plan

Priority 1:

To develop and establish distributed leadership for leaders at all levels to improve outcomes for pupils


How will we know we are successful?

  • Clear vision and shared goals that is embedded throughout the school
  • All Staff are established within new roles and CPD is completed
  • Governors take an active role to ensure improved outcomes for all pupils
  • Leaders supported to develop strategic overview and a clear understanding of school’s strengths and developments
  • All leaders to establish areas of responsibility and develop individual CPD to support this – will be reflected in Appraisal Cycle
  • All leaders to ensure that focused monitoring ensures that all groups of pupils make expected progress or better in all subjects across the Curriculum
  • Continue to develop the Curriculum so that children experience a sequential curriculum that provides them with the skills to acquire knowledge, challenge thinking and motivate them to learn
  • Establish working relationships with local schools for moderation and subject leadership development
  • Work in Collaboration with SAFE learning support partner to externally validate school development
  • Joint Collaboration with Subject Leaders at WBJS show linked Curriculum Journey


Priority 2:

To diminish barriers to learning and improve attainment outcomes for underserved pupils


How will we know we are successful?

  • Underserved pupils are identified quickly and staff members are aware in class profiles
  • Baselines are established to show progress over time
  • Staff to provide quality first teaching approaches to ensure the curriculum is accessible for all
  • Planning is effective in scaffolding knowledge and skills
  • Leaders to ensure that school interventions have impact on progress through monitoring, planning and outcomes are transferable into class
  • All pupils are engaged and evidence of scaffolding and differentiation being used effectively across the school is documented in monitoring outcomes
  • Book Looks show adaptive teaching and learning approaches to support pupil achievement
  • Provision for children in receipt of PP funding is mapped out in terms of needs and is RAG rated for impact and cost effectiveness
  • Ordinarily Available Provision will be fully embedded across the school and used to support children in underserved groups
  • Data Outcomes are improved for vulnerable groups through Pupil Progress tracking 
  • Community Engagement has increased for key vulnerable groups


Priority 3:

To use Assessment for Learning to inform teaching and learning across Foundation Subjects


How will we know we are successful?

  • Assessment strategies ensure that all pupils make progress and assessment information feeds into future teaching and planning
  • Effective questioning techniques are used to ensure challenge for all
  • Provide broad and balanced curriculum to ensure consistent coverage of all subjects across the school
  • All staff members to understand knowledge and skill for pupils in their class and to able to use this to inform teaching practice
  • Subject Leaders through monitoring identify trends and patterns in embedded knowledge and skills across the school to inform Action Plans
  • Children are able to retrieve, articulate and explain their knowledge and understanding of concepts across Foundation Subjects
  • Foundation planning reflects the needs of the children in the cohort and builds on Prior Knowledge
  • Foundation Planning is sequenced and allows opportunities to stretch and challenge thinking
  • Children use subject specific vocabulary accurately within learning and can make cross-curricular links
  • Concept Maps show ‘sticky knowledge’ and highlight gaps for future learning


Priority 4:

To develop and improve the opportunities and quality of Writing across the school to raise attainment outcomes

How will we know we are successful?

  • Writing is a key focus and is used across all Curriculum Areas
  • Writing standards are consistent across subject areas and all subjects have high quality text to support learning
  • Pupils are exposed to a range of genres and texts
  • Teaching sequences for Writing are embedded across school for KS1
  • Feedback and use of same day interventions moves learning and writing forward
  • Parents are engaged and understand the Writing process in order to support their child
  • End of Year Expectations are explicit and staff use to benchmark in planning
  • Teachers use a range of resources and strategies to support and scaffold learning
  • Teachers use a range of approaches to encourage enthusiasm in writing
  • Staff used shared writing to model high expectations for children
  • Pupils experience marking and feedback that focuses on key elements of SPAG/Grammar
  • Pupils in KS1 are building confidence with editing and improving their writing


Priority 5:

To further improve the personal development and welfare of pupils to ensure positive well-being and sense of belonging in the school community


How will we know we are successful?

  • Feedback from parents, pupils and staff indicate positive view of school culture and ethos
  • Reviewed behaviour policy has a positive impact on pupil behaviour and social interactions
  • 80% cohort take-up (parents) for curriculum based workshops from all ethnic groups in school community
  • Assembly plans reflect the School Values, British Values and SMSC links
  • School Trips enhance children’s lived experiences and broaden opportunities for all
  • Pupils celebrate all cultural celebrations through assemblies, visitors, pupil voice, school events
  • The Parent community are able to access all communication and understand meaning – website development
  • Values Rainbow – children are confidently able to articulate and display within school setting
  • Learning Zoo is embedded across school and process of learning and characteristics are explicitly celebrated