At West Byfleet Infant School we believe in educating the ‘whole child’ and therefore our curriculum offers pupils opportunities to grow as individuals as well as learners. We have created a positive learning environment whereby children are confident and intrinsically motivated to take risks and challenge themselves. Our curriculum encourages pupils to understand themselves and their emotions, be aware of their own and others’ well-being and be reflective learners who are able to work both independently and collaboratively. We encourage community links and celebrate diversity within our school community, enabling children to understand their roles, responsibilities and their impact on others within the many different places that they belong.
We teach PSHE weekly through discrete focused learning objectives taken from the 2020 Statutory Framework. Many more learning opportunities arise and are explored within other areas of the curriculum. We are also responsive to children’s individual needs and address any personal or social issues as and when they arise. This might be through individual/small group/whole class discussion, circle time or through work with our school’s ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant). We also use and refer to the Zones of Regulation throughout the school as a tool to support the children to recognise their feelings and to equip them with strategies to be able to self-regulate their emotions successfully.
Through teaching of PSHE, we aim to provide children with the necessary knowledge and life skills to enable them to be happy and successful in a range of relevant contexts (e.g. home, school, the local community, the wider community). By creating a safe learning environments, our children feel about to learn and talk about a range of topics. Our curriculum supports pupils to recognise, manage, explore and develop their personal, social, cognitive, emotional, health and fitness, local and global citizenship skills. Our approach focuses on the development of children’s relationships with others, their health and well-being and living in the wider world.