Explain that we are all different - sometimes we like the same things as each other and sometimes different things. This makes us special. Here are some questions to start a conversation:
We all have things that make us the same as each other and things that make us different - even from people in our family.
This can help to make life more interesting.
Complete this activity with someone at home - you could include friends on your list, too!
Talking points:
Being kind and doing kind things is something that helps everyone to feel good – including the person doing the kind thing!
Listening skills are important for everyone to have – young and old. Play these listening games together to help develop your listening skills!
Simon Says
This classic game is excellent for encouraging children to pay attention and listen to instructions.
Call out instructions by saying, for example, “Simon Says put your hands on your shoulders.”
When you give an example that doesn’t begin with “Simon Says” such as “Stand on one leg!” your child must not do it.
This means that for each instruction, your child must listen for two details:
Do This, Do That
This is a variation of Simon Says.
Standing in front of your child, perform certain actions by saying either “Do this” or “Do that”. For example, you could tap your head, clap your hands or do a jump.
When you say “Do this” your child should copy the action, but when you say “Do that” they should stand still.
It takes a lot of concentration not to move, first listening to whether they should perform the action or not.
Take turns in being the leader.
Go on a Listening Walk
(Only do this if it’s safe to go outside – COVID-19 restrictions.)
This game is great not only for developing listening skills but also for teaching mindfulness and avoiding spending all day listening to the jumble of thoughts someone might have in their head. It's useful for adults, too.
Go for a walk together, in the garden, down the road or to the park. There are usually enough sounds close to home.
Tell each other all the sounds you hear – leaves rustling, a dog barking, a car travelling down a road, a bird chirping, a child crying etc.