Our Early Years Foundation Stage education provides a caring environment where all children feel included, valued and secure, regardless of their backgrounds, religions, gender, abilities, disabilities, special educational needs or cultures. It lays the foundations of a child’s education by providing a rich, stimulating environment appropriate to his/her physical, social, emotional and intellectual development. We consider it of paramount importance that we give all the children time to look, listen, think, learn from their mistakes, and mature into eager, confident learners.
We see EYFS education as a close partnership between the practitioners and parents and carers.
We aim to provide a relevant curriculum through well-planned, purposeful activities, both child and teacher initiated, to ensure that every child reaches his/her potential, regardless of the starting point. We encourage a positive, confident attitude to learning, within an atmosphere of mutual respect. We foster a positive attitude towards challenging yourself and set high expectations so children achieve their true potential and succeed from individual starting points.