At West Byfleet Infant School, we believe that Mathematics and developing fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills are key to the children's mathematical development. Through the Maths curriculum, we will help children develop the skills and knowledge that will enable them to become lifelong learners and pride ourselves in having a variety of resources that are accessible to all children in every classroom. In Early Years our dedicated staff team ensure their continuous provision is rich, stimulates thinking and is engaging. In Key Stage One, we have Maths resources available to all children to enhance their discovery and learning opportunities before recording learning formally into books. White Rose lesson sequences are followed to plan deep, challenging, broad lessons for all learners.
We teach Maths following the guidance around small steps of progression in The White Rose Maths Hub scheme, a 'Teaching Maths for Mastery' approach developed by the National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics. Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving are at the heart of the 'Teaching for Mastery' White Rose approach. It uses the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) approach​ to support children's learning and progression. By embedding this approach we are allowing pupils to spend enough time to fully explore a concept, reinforcing it with practice, before moving onto the next one. All ideas are built on previous knowledge and pupils have ample opportunity to develop relationships between topics. This academic year, we also have a focus on enhancing mathematical vocabulary throughout our learning journeys and environments. Ensuring staff use this mathematical vocabulary is crucial to ensuring children have clarity on the concepts they learn.