
Welcome toWest Byfleet Infant SchoolWe Belong, Inspire, Succeed


Eco Team

At West Byfleet Infant School, we encourage all the children to become Eco Warriors and think about their local environment. 

The Eco Team is made up of children from each class (Reception will join the team in Summer Term). The children are chosen and voted for by their peers in class. 


The Eco team are in charge of completing an enviromental review of the school at least once a term and ensuring that the school is on track for completing the action plan. 


This year’s Eco Team members are:


Glow Worms: Henry and Mia

Dragonflies:  Leo and Zaya

Ladybirds: Robyn and Freddie

Fireflies: Hazel and Sebastian

Caterpillars: Olivia and Zayn

Centipedes: George and Emily



Our Actions for ECO this year are:

Autumn Term target

-Participate in cut your carbon month.

-Children to participate in the 9 things challenge put onto the website for home learning - VG to send out to all on Wednesday planning. 

-Children to collect and recycle batteries using the Big Battery hunt (battery bin to be organised). 

-Children to help establish fruit and vegetable waste disposal at school and improve paper recycling journey


From Autumn 2, we are also covering our Spring term marine topic by starting regular litter picking (need to order lanyards, litter pickers asap), update and management of eco garden and starting to build on the new Summer term biodiversity topic to improve protection of our local wildlife through various projects tbd. 



We did it again this year!! Well done Eco Team!!

The Big Battery Hunt

The big battery hunt is a nationwide battery recycling programme for schools funded by Duracell. It's aim is to increase the number of batteries currently being recycled in the UK. Pupils are challenged to collect as many batteries as they can, encouraging their communities to do the same. 


Each time your child or member of the family/community recycle a battery the children can add a pompom to the recycle jar in class so we can keep track and add it to the community counter. Good luck!


Community Fridge

St John’s church run a community fridge on a Saturday morning, with the aim of reducing food waste. They collect good quality surplus food from local supermarkets on a Friday night, and gather some fresh food from the local allotments. On a Saturday morning from 10.00am in the Cornerstone Community Centre, anyone from the local community can then come and help themselves! The recommendation is to get there early – the food is often gone by 11.00am. It’s a wonderful local initiative and the food is free!


The Community Fridge are always on the lookout for additional volunteers to help them either collect the food on a Friday night or to help on a Saturday morning – if you’re interested please let us know and we’ll put you in touch with Amanda or Jo who run it.

Food Banks

How food banks work


As a nation, we know it isn’t right that anyone should be left hungry or living in extreme poverty. But whilst we work for long-term change, our network of food banks provides emergency food and compassionate, dignified support to people locked in crisis.


There are over 1,300 food bank centres in our network. The services provided by food banks may vary from area to area as they react to the needs of their community to provide help and support to local people in crisis.


Food donations

Non-perishable, in-date food is donated by the public at a range of places, such as schools, churches, and businesses, as well as supermarket collection points. It is then sorted into emergency food parcels by more than 28,000 volunteers, to be given to people in crisis.


Food vouchers

Care professionals such as health visitors, staff at schools and social workers identify people in crisis and issue them with a food bank voucher. This means people can receive a food bank parcel of three days’ nutritionally balanced, non-perishable food from their local food bank.



We operate an outlet of the Woking Foodbank.  Our Foodbank Centre is open each Wednesday between 12.30 pm and 2.30 pm.  We also deliver food parcels to shut-in clients, or those who cannot make it to the Foodbank on a Wednesday, as requested by the main Foodbank Voucher Team.  Our food stocks are maintained by the generous donations from our Church Family, the congregation of the International Community Church and the people of Byfleet through the donations collected at the Village Co-op on Vanner's Parade.

Each week we have a "Free Food" table which is often stocked with food donated by the Co-op on the High Road.  Anyone can avail themselves of this food, whether they have been formally referred to the Foodbank or not.

With the generous financial support of the Byfleet United Charity, Citizen's Advice Woking hold drop-in advice sessions in parallel with the Foodbank between 12.00 and 2.30.  Anyone who needs help or advice can just drop in and meet with a trained counsellor. 


If you know of anyone in need, please encourage them to contact one of the Referral Agencies listed on the main website, or our Minister, Revd. David Faulkner, or to leave a message on the Foodbank phone - 01932 355972.

Useful websites 
