West Byfleet Infant School
Camphill Road
West Byfleet
KT14 6EF
Tel: 01932 343260
For all queries please contact the office:
Receptionist: Lorraine Jaffreys
Office Administrator (including attendance and admission info): Jen Othen
People and Facilities Manager: Debbie Jones
Email: office@wbis.org.uk
Headteacher: Mrs Stacey Clarke - office@wbis.org.uk or head@wbis.org.uk
Deputy Headteacher Teaching and Learning: Mrs Sam Dudley - office@wbis.org.uk
Deputy Headteacher Inclusion and Pastoral: Mrs Cara Dean - senco@wbis.org.uk (SENCO)
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Sam Dudley - dsl@wbis.org.uk
Finance Manager: Zena Barclay-White - finance@wbis.org.uk
People and Facilities Manager: Debbie Jones - djones@wbis.org.uk
SENCO Admin Assistant : Caroline Sheppard - ....@wbis.org.uk
Emotional Literary Support Assistant: Jo Broad - elsa@wbis.org.uk
Family Pastoral Worker: Claire Clark - cclark@wbis.org.uk
Chair of Governors: Mrs Angela Woods - awoods@wbis.org.uk
Vice Chair of Governors: Mr Peter Abbott - pabbott@wbis.org.uk
Safeguarding Governor: Mrs Becky Perry - bperry@wbis.org.uk
Data Protection Officer: Satswana Ltd - info@satswana.com
If you require paper copies of policies or communication letters, these are available from the School Office.
We have disabled access
Please note we have limited car parking facilities at school through the security gate - please use the gate intercom for access. Parking is available for the disabled in our car park. Alternative parking can be found outside the school (2 hours maximum), metered parking in West Byfleet town centre and in the Library car park (pay and display).