
Welcome toWest Byfleet Infant SchoolWe Belong, Inspire, Succeed


Year 2




Class Teachers

Ladybirds - Mrs Sam Dudley (Mon-Tues) and Miss Sophie Pugh (Wed-Fri) Mrs S SCITT trainee teacher (Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri)

Glow Worms - Mrs Katherine Terry (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Caroline Sheppard (Thurs-Fri)

Dragonflies - Miss Sarah Austwick (Mon-Fri)


Year 2 Learning Support Assistant Team:

 Mrs Zanutto, Mrs Madden, Mrs Mitchell and Mrs O'Connor (Ladybirds)

Mrs Heywood and Miss J (Glow Worms)

Mrs Bala and Mrs Mitchell (Dragonflies)


Y2 Email Address:


Weekly News 

17th January


Reading Records: Children’s yellow reading records are for both school and families to record all reading in. Please record any school book reading as well as reading for pleasure, so that we can discuss this with the children in school.
We comment with a pink and green pen. Pink is an achievement and green is a next step.

Happy Reading 😊


Week 2 complete!


Sorry for my error with the spelling bee date. I will always put the week beginning of the scheduled ‘test’. We generally have spelling bee on a Friday, however at times this can change to any point during that week, and we will not always have an opportunity to update you on this.


In Maths we have continued our money learning. Again, this is such a hard concept for the children to understand as we do not see money as much in context now, just lots of tapping instead. Please continue to practice with coins at home to develop the children’s confidence and understanding. Especially when giving change! How do you give 3p change? – a huge stumbling block!


In English we have written a gruesome character description of The Twits this week. The children’s engagement and vocabulary development from this text has been amazing, we are so impressed! If you have not ready the story of The Twits with your children, I would definitely recommend it as a bedtime read.


As always, we have an open door so please do come and speak to us if you have any queries!


Have a lovely weekend 😊


Upcoming Dates:

Come and Learn Tues 4th Feb 2.15-3     15spaces to book

Come and Learn Fri 7th Feb 9.15-10      15spaces to book

Come and See Tues 1st April 2.30-3.15   15spaces to book

Come and See Thur 3rd April 2.30-3.15   15spaces to book





Home Learning 


Please find attached the home learning grid for Spring half term.


If you would like, select one activity each week to complete.


Please read at home daily as this is the most important thing to support your children’s phonics and writing in school.



If you would like to use TTRS on a daily basis, there are a variety of modes you can select.
If you would like to be timed on your tables, go to the GARAGE mode.
If you would not like to be timed, please select JAMMING mode.
Thank you! :)




Year 2 Spelling Bee 


To be tested week beginning 27th January



In addition to weekly Spelling Bee, please focus on the below Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words.








Star Learners 


Zaya for trying really hard to vary her sentence starters and join her writing in English!

Well Done J  yes




Kenzie for an amazing character description!

Well Done Jyes


Glow Worms 


Louise for her excellent description about Mrs Twit. J  

Well done J  yes


Sports Star of the Week 


This week the class nominated is: 


     Sophie in Glow Worms! 




Year 2 Key Information and Dates

PE Days: Monday and Friday (shorts, t-shirt, trainers)


Reading Book Change: Friday (please sign your child's reading record each time you read)


Library Book Change: Every other Friday



Things to remember - September 2024

  • Please come dressed for PE - Gym Monday, Outside Friday
  • Please bring reading books and reading records DAILY.
  • Please bring a fruit snack in DAILY.
  • Please ensure all items of uniform are clearly named.



Upcoming Dates:

Come and Learn Tues 4th Feb 2.15-3     15spaces to book

Come and Learn Fri 7th Feb 9.15-10      15spaces to book

Come and See Tues 1st April 2.30-3.15   15spaces to book

Come and See Thur 3rd April 2.30-3.15   15spaces to book






During Year 2 at West Byfleet Infant School, the aim is to provide all children with engaging and enjoyable learning opportunities and experiences across every area of the curriculum. We are a happy team of dedicated staff, who enjoy working together to achieve the very best. We spend a lot of time throughout the year building up strong and positive relationships with all children, ensuring that we know them as individuals and they have a strong sense of belonging to their class, year group and school family.


We feel that children are happiest and most motivated when they learn in an environment that is supportive, nurturing and positive. We set inspiring challenges and have high expectations of their learning. Our continued assessment and planning allow all children to receive an individualised curriculum allowing them to feel success at every stage of their learning. Our breadth of planning allows children in Year 2 to gain skills and understanding within a broad, balanced and inspiring curriculum. 


Learning Environment

Our classrooms reflect the current learning, using working walls as a way of supporting the children. These working walls are updated throughout the week and provide resources to underpin their learning. Children can refer to these throughout the week to clarify their thinking. Children access learning resources during all lessons to help support their learning. We encourage children to independently select the resource that enables them to flourish in their learning

Autumn Learning Projects

Spring Learning Projects

Summer Learning Projects

Communication Trail

We are a very approachable team.  If you have any concerns and would like to discuss your child, please come and see your child's class teacher.  We can usually solve simple problems or queries for you quite quickly.  Nothing surprises or shocks us anymore - we've seen and heard most things before!!!  Please see below the communication trail:

  • Class Teacher - At the beginning or end of the day or email
  • Year 2 Co-ordinator - Chloe Hiorns - email
  • Head Teacher - Mrs Stacey Clarke -email


Please make sure that you use the communication trail to ensure that the right people can help you. 

Parent Meeting Information
