
Welcome toWest Byfleet Infant SchoolWe Belong, Inspire, Succeed


Opening Times

School Start Time: Gates Open from 8:50am until 9:00am (Registration at 9:00am)

School Finish Time - 3:15pm

(A week consistes of 31.15 hours)


School Office hours 8.45am until 3.30pm 


Please inform the school if your child is absent by telephoning the office before 9:00am - this complies with our attendance policy. 


Children are admitted into school from 8:50am. Children arriving before that time should join Early Birds Club (paid before school care) organised in the hall from 7:30am. Children MUST NOT be left at school or in the playground unattended.


Children arriving at school after 9:00 am will be marked as late in the register. It is essential that children arrive on time for school or they will miss vital learning activities.


All children start the day with an 'Early Morning' activity that can range from 'Jump Start Johnny' routines, talking buddies time, exploring challenges or sharing books. Each year group will have planned activities that support the children with settling into the school day.


In EYFS children have indoor and outdoor play throughout the day and lunchtime from 12:00am-1:00pm

In KS1 children have a 15 minute break in the morning and lunchtime from 12:15pm-1:15pm


The teaching time for children can differ based on developmental stages of learning across key stages - below is an overview of our daily teaching hours.

EYFS - Reception

KS1 - Year 1 and 2


9:00 - Registration9:00 - Registration
9:00-12:00 - Teaching Time (Assembly Wed & Fri - 15 minutes)9:00-10:30 -Teaching Time
1:00-3:15 - Teaching Time10:30-10:45 - Assembly 
3:15 - End of School Day11:00-12:15 - Teaching Time
 1:15-3:15 - Teaching Time
 3:15 - End of School Day


The Department for Education has recommended the number of teaching hours for Key Stage 1 need to be sufficient to deliver the National Curriculum.


Reception children will be dismissed from the Reception outside learning area.

Year 1 and 2 will be dismissed from the main playground area.


As the safety of your child is paramount, children must be collected from the teacher at the end of the school day, by you, or someone nominated by you. Please be aware that we cannot release children to anyone under the age of 16 even with your authority. 


